SAVE THE DATE: Watchman House, Inc.
Protect The Children
Golf Tournament, April 25, 2026
Pointe South Golf Course
Warrior Watchman & Watchman House welcomes you to our community!
About Us: Everyone is welcome at Warrior Watchman Prayer Center, Inc. We are located near our CDC Watchman House (WH), Inc. You are also invited to participate in our shelter outreach activities, which help those in need in our community. Whether new to the neighborhood or new to worship, we welcome you with open arms.
OUR SERVICES VARY: Our services are held in various locations to meet the needs of our homeless (displaced) and at-risk youth.
Our Community Outreach: Watchman House, Inc. (Dedicated to Homeless and At-Risk Youth Support)
Mission: Protect the Kids and honor our elders.
Vision: Watchman House, Inc. is a national non-profit outreach organization dedicated to making a difference in the lives of YOUTH who have been or are currently being abused, homeless, molested, or in other at-risk situations by providing S.A.F.E. (Shelter/Stability, Affirmation/Amenities, Food/Family, in an Encouraging Environment).
How: Watchman House provides basic necessities such as clothes, hygiene products, and food. Our outreach approach is effective because we don't ask for anything in return. We ask the kids 2 questions, "We want to help you do what you want to do. What is that?" Or, "If Watchman House could do one thing for you, what would that be?"
We also work directly with school liaisons to provide resources to the children. We have found this to be a best practice because it helps to reduce truancy and ensures supplies are not stolen and sold on the streets.
If you or your group would like to help, drop us a line at
All photos on this website are the legal property of Warrior Watchman and may not be used without permission. In addition, our web's source code is not to be accessed for any reason; to do so is a violation of law. Sadly, we have had to include this statement due to copyright trolls.